Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Nano Elates The Delhi Enthusiasts

Motor wonder Nano has caused quiet a stir of elation in Delhi enthusiasts for its promise of enabling people to own a car.

A motor gift by Tata to the middle class for whom owning a car was a distant dream owing to the involvement of huge money and is expected bring about changes in the auto market in India.

"It is cheap. If you get a car at the same price of motorcycle, it is good. In a motorbike only two can ride but in Nano, the family of four can travel together," said Pankaj Chaudhary, a resident.

Many people want the other makers also to introduce low budget cars for the benefit of the middle class.

"Nano is good for middle class people. I would want that other car companies also come up with such low price cars, it will benefit the middle class people a lot," said A.P. Sharma, another resident.

There are various ways of how a Tata Nano can be booked. Bookings can be made at over 30,000 locations in 1,000 cities across the country which also includes Tata-owned department and electronics stores apart from booking online with application forms costing 300 rupees each.

Tata can as of now get into production for about 60,000 Nanos a year until it can get into big time production of 250,000-unit plant in Gujarat .

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